Escritório ou Guarda - Joias Sino-português / A Sino-Portuguese Writing chest - Jewellery Box, China, séc. XVII / 17th. c.
ébano, madeira exótica, osso e cobre dourado / ebony, ebonized wood and MOP
17 x 27 x 17 cm
Further images
Lid and a drawer were remade; some remade bone fillets. With case. / Tampa e uma gaveta refeita; alguns filetes de osso refeitos. Com estojo.
Unlike other extant, earlier examples of similar imagery, which retained the naturalism of the Portuguese prototypes taken to the Lower Congo during the late-15th century, this crucifix is evidently stylised.
At the time of the Portuguese arrival in the region, the Kingdom of Kongo was still at its height as one of the largest in sub-Saharan Africa. By 1491, the voluntary conversion of king Nzinga-a-Nkuwu (r. 1470-1509) to Christianity, and his taking of the Christian name João, were major factors in the strengthening of the kingdom’s political and mainly, commercial ties, with the European newcomers.[1]
Soon after the first contact, the Congolese ruling elites recognised that local religious beliefs had significant parallels with Christianity, a particularity that encouraged the advantageous synthesis between the two cultures. Main emblem of Christian faith and ritual, the cross was also a fundamental motif in Congolese beliefs and, when joined by a circle, represented life’s cyclical journey, from birth through life after death, its arms symbols of the sun’s daily trajectory.
This expressive brass figure, cast by the lost-wax technique favoured by Congolese artists, was designed with outstretched arms, now lost, and flattened straight legs joined at the base by a single large nail. Emphasis was given to the hair and ribs, while the perizoma, or loincloth, was portrayed in a simplified, almost abstract, manner. The large, schematic globular face of marked round eyes, probably chiselled post casting, features fleshy mouth and lips that highlight the figure’s African origin.[2] Unlike other related crucifixes, considered as fully Africanized, this example does not feature a protruding navel. Referred to as Nkangi Kiditu, literally “Tied Christ”, these figures were cast by Kongolese artists for mounting onto wooden crosses and placed on altars, for wall hanging or for crowning prestige staffs, the office insignias carried by Kongo rulers. Smaller examples, such as the one herewith described, were fitted with a large suspension loop to the side of Christ’s loincloth and carried as symbols of faith and devotion.
Its intense and dark patina, and smooth and worn surface, evidence its use as a pendant amulet, a nkisi, similarly to the contemporary figures of Saint Anthony – the Toni Malau. An unusually naturalistic example (height: 15.2 cm), pierced to be pinned onto a cross, or wall hang, belongs to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York (1999.295.12).[3] Another crucifix of identical height but more stylized, with enhanced ribs and navel and simplified loincloth, is also kept in the same museum collection (inv. 1999.295.3).[4] As stylized as the present Crucified Christ, is the one at the Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, in Tervuren, Belgium (inv. 15.09.1955), albeit larger at 17.5 cm.
Hugo Miguel Crespo
Centre for History, University of Lisbon
The image of the Crucified Christ appears in Congo in the 15th century following from the Kingdom Christianization. Carried by priests as an aid to the conversion and evangelization of the people, these images took over the role of the ancient amulets through locally established creative and symbolic unions.
Christian beliefs were therefore adjusted to Congolese interests, becoming a powerful tool to experience traditional religion, in a symbiosis between catholic practice and ancestral cosmology.
Accordingly the crucifix, as well as images of Saints and other Christian iconography, were added to the traditional objects and rituals of local ceremonies and used in baptisms, weddings and funerals.
The crucifix became central to Congolese society in such a way that on invoking ancestral spirits, a cross was marked on the ground, as a symbol of the entire cosmology, ruling over life and death.
This powerful symbol was adopted as an insignia and rite of passage for the Kimpasi ceremonial, that implied the “death” and “resurrection” of the young initiates, in a custom that included a water logged cruciform trench and a cross in every altar.
With the evangelization, the image of Christ’s crucifixion, Nkangi Kiditu (nkangi = something tied, and Kiditu a corruption of Christ’s name), acquired dual meanings, representing not only the death and resurrection of Christ, but also the world of the living and that of the ancestors. For Congolese peoples if was considered a sacred object (or nkisi) and a powerful amulet against evil.
This syncretism, facilitated by similarities between Christian and local rituals, modelled the cornerstones of Congolese culture, promoting a religious thought endowed of a hybrid artistic expression.
Relic of the catholic faith that, through time, became fully integrated in the philosophy of the ancient Kongo, the crucifix conquered an important place in the Congolese psyche, growing to be an attribute of power inherited through generations as guarantee of authority and legitimacy.
This powerful object, evocative of leaders’ power and of subjects’ deference, was essential in rituals such as the king’s (Manikongo) enthronement, or in important debates or trials, when subjects were expected to touch the leader’s crucifix, swearing subservience, earnestness, faithfulness and honesty. On the death of a ruler his crucifix was solemnly passed on to his successor in a ceremony designed to warranty the new ruler’s legitimacy.
[1] See: Anne Hilton, The Kingdom of Kongo, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985.
[2] Regarding such objects see: Jean Michel Massing, “From Portuguese Crosses to Hunting Charms. Polysemy in Bakongo Religion”, in Jay A. Levenson (ed.), Encompassing the Globe. Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries (cat.), vol. 3, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 2007, pp. 86-95; and Marina de Mello e Souza, “Central-African Crucifixes. A Study of Symbolic Translations”, in Jay A. Levenson (ed.), Encompassing the Globe. Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries (cat.), vol. 3, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 2007, pp. 96-101.
[3] See: Alisa LaGamma, Kongo. Power and Majesty (cat.), New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015, p. 102, fig. 61.
[4] See: Alisa LaGamma, Kongo. Power and Majesty (cat.), New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015, p. 27, fig. 7.
Este pequeno e raro escritório ou guarda-jóias de tampo de abater, rectangular e com emolduramentos estriados salientes em ébano percorrendo as arestas, elevado sobre pés torneados, é construído em madeira exótica por vezes ebanizada, talvez uma canforeira, e faixeado a ébano entalhado, o muito apreciado zǐtán.[1]
As ferragens de cobre dourado, consistem na fechadura frontal em forma de águia bicéfala, nas gualdras laterais e nos puxadores da frente e das gavetas interiores.
A decoração das faces exteriores consiste num campo central - rectangular na frente, topo e tardoz, e quase quadrado nas ilhargas - com uma cercadura à meia-esquadria (filetes em osso dispostos nas diagonais), resultando em trapézios dispostos de cada lado de cada um dos campos centrais.
A frente é decorada no campo central por um par de chīlóng afrontados, dragões desprovidos de chifres, por entre um reticulado de lingzhi, o sagrado cogumelo da imortalidade (Ganoderma lucidum), com suas formas em cabeça de rúyì (literalmente, “tal como desejado”). É provável que a opção por chīlóng afrontados, dragões imaturos, fosse mais apropriada a um objecto feito para exportação, dada a grande importância simbólica conferida aos dragões na cultura chinesa, associados à elite mandarim e ao imperador. A cercadura incluí, em cima, flores do damasqueiro-do-Japão (Prunus mume), símbolo de perseverança e pureza; nas laterais o narciso, conhecido na China por “flor aquática imortal”, simbólica também de pureza, e prosperidade; e, em baixo, cavalos voadores que simbolizam rapidez, força e perseverança.
Enquanto o tardoz repete (com pequenas alterações), a iconografia da frente, o topo apresenta no campo central um par de fénix (rei de todos os pássaros, símbolos de virtude) por entre peónias lenhosas (fùguìhuā, ou “flor das riquezas e honra”), sublinhando a natureza matrimonial desta peça, enquanto objecto de enxoval, já que a associação de duas fénix com peónias simboliza prosperidade e justiça, expressando uma relação conjugal. A cercadura do topo é decorada por grous voando entre nuvens auspiciosas em forma de rúyì. O grou, conhecido em chinês por hè, simboliza hierarquia social e longevidade e, no contexto da decoração deste guarda-jóias, expressa votos de uma união romântica duradoura, de um casamento eterno.
As ilhargas são decoradas da mesma forma. Enquanto as secções trapezoidais da cercadura repetem a decoração das outras faces, os painéis centrais apresentam cada um seu qílín, de cabeça voltada, assentes em fundo rochoso e rodeados por nuvens auspiciosas. Representados com corpo de veado, cabeça de dragão e espessa cauda de urso, o qílín é símbolo de benevolência, virtude, longevidade, felicidade e sabedoria, a sua representação tornando-se aqui um símbolo de fertilidade, pois acredita-se que o qílín é portador de bebés (qílínsòngzi) a pais felizes.
O interior do guarda-jóias apresenta cinco gavetas dispostas em duas fiadas. Nas frentes das gavetas, também faixeadas a ébano entalhado, vemos peónias na fiada superior, e peixes afrontados saltando das águas nas duas gavetas da fiada inferior; são carpas (lǐ), que simbolizam, por homofonia, lucro e riqueza (lì), poder, força e habilidade (lì).
Esta peça pertence a um raro grupo de mobiliário feito para exportação com semelhantes construção, materiais e repertório decorativo, do qual três foram recentemente publicados.[2]
A sua produção, copiando protótipos europeus, está certamente ligada à encomenda de portugueses estantes na Ásia, nomeadamente nas regiões costeiras do sul como as províncias de Guangdong, Fujian e Zhejiang.
Embora o modelo e decoração destas peças de mobiliário seja um pouco diferente do estilo mais sóbrio do mobiliário Ming hoje melhor conhecido, ao gosto dos letrados chineses e do qual sobrevivem alguns exemplares, correspondem perfeitamente ao que seriam as primeiras peças de mobiliário chinês para exportação para o mercado europeu tal como nos surgem na documentação coeva.
Para além de Guangzhou (Cantão, a capital da província de Guangdong), um provável candidato para o centro de fabrico deste tipo de mobiliário é Chaozhou, uma cidade do leste da província de Guangdong, afamada pela sua marcenaria de qualidade e da qual se destaca a produção de complexas obras vazadas e finamente entalhadas. Uma outra possibilidade é Ningbo, uma cidade na província de Zhejiang, a nordeste, e que era conhecida pelos portugueses como Liampó e onde se estabeleceram logo em 1522.
Hugo Miguel Crespo
Centro de História, Universidade de Lisboa
BASTOS, Celina, “Das cousas da China: comércio, divulgação e apropriação do mobiliário chinês em Portugal. Séculos XVI a XVIII”, in Alexandra Curvelo (ed.), O Exótico nunca está em casa? A China na faiança e no azulejo portugueses (séculos XVII-XVIII) (cat.), Lisboa, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, 2013, pp. 145-61.
CRESPO, Hugo Miguel, Choices (cat.), Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2016.
CRESPO, Hugo Miguel, “Global Interiors on the Rua Nova in Renaissance Lisbon”, in Annemarie Jordan Gschwend, K. J. P. Lowe (eds.), The Global City. On the Streets of Renaissance Lisbon, London, Paul Holberton publishing, 2015, pp. 121-139.
CRESPO, Hugo Miguel (ed.), Comprar o Mundo. Consumo e Comércio na Lisboa do Renascimento, Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2020.
KRAHL, Regina, “The Portuguese Presence in the Arts and Crafts of China”, in Jay A. Levenson (ed.), Encompassing the Globe. Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries (cat.), Vol. 3, Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 2007, pp. 235-241.
WANG Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture. Ming and early Qing Dynasties, 2 Vols., Hong Kong, Art Media Resources, 1990.
[1] Sobre o zǐtán, veja-se Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture. Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Vol. 1, Hong Kong, Art Media Resources, 1990, pp. 148-149.
[2] Veja-se Hugo Miguel Crespo, Choices (cat.), Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2016, pp. 304-339, cats. 26-27; e Hugo Miguel Crespo (ed.), Comprar o Mundo. Consumo e Comércio na Lisboa do Renascimento, Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2020, pp. 144-149, cat. 24.
Unlike other extant, earlier examples of similar imagery, which retained the naturalism of the Portuguese prototypes taken to the Lower Congo during the late-15th century, this crucifix is evidently stylised.
At the time of the Portuguese arrival in the region, the Kingdom of Kongo was still at its height as one of the largest in sub-Saharan Africa. By 1491, the voluntary conversion of king Nzinga-a-Nkuwu (r. 1470-1509) to Christianity, and his taking of the Christian name João, were major factors in the strengthening of the kingdom’s political and mainly, commercial ties, with the European newcomers.[1]
Soon after the first contact, the Congolese ruling elites recognised that local religious beliefs had significant parallels with Christianity, a particularity that encouraged the advantageous synthesis between the two cultures. Main emblem of Christian faith and ritual, the cross was also a fundamental motif in Congolese beliefs and, when joined by a circle, represented life’s cyclical journey, from birth through life after death, its arms symbols of the sun’s daily trajectory.
This expressive brass figure, cast by the lost-wax technique favoured by Congolese artists, was designed with outstretched arms, now lost, and flattened straight legs joined at the base by a single large nail. Emphasis was given to the hair and ribs, while the perizoma, or loincloth, was portrayed in a simplified, almost abstract, manner. The large, schematic globular face of marked round eyes, probably chiselled post casting, features fleshy mouth and lips that highlight the figure’s African origin.[2] Unlike other related crucifixes, considered as fully Africanized, this example does not feature a protruding navel. Referred to as Nkangi Kiditu, literally “Tied Christ”, these figures were cast by Kongolese artists for mounting onto wooden crosses and placed on altars, for wall hanging or for crowning prestige staffs, the office insignias carried by Kongo rulers. Smaller examples, such as the one herewith described, were fitted with a large suspension loop to the side of Christ’s loincloth and carried as symbols of faith and devotion.
Its intense and dark patina, and smooth and worn surface, evidence its use as a pendant amulet, a nkisi, similarly to the contemporary figures of Saint Anthony – the Toni Malau. An unusually naturalistic example (height: 15.2 cm), pierced to be pinned onto a cross, or wall hang, belongs to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York (1999.295.12).[3] Another crucifix of identical height but more stylized, with enhanced ribs and navel and simplified loincloth, is also kept in the same museum collection (inv. 1999.295.3).[4] As stylized as the present Crucified Christ, is the one at the Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, in Tervuren, Belgium (inv. 15.09.1955), albeit larger at 17.5 cm.
Hugo Miguel Crespo
Centre for History, University of Lisbon
The image of the Crucified Christ appears in Congo in the 15th century following from the Kingdom Christianization. Carried by priests as an aid to the conversion and evangelization of the people, these images took over the role of the ancient amulets through locally established creative and symbolic unions.
Christian beliefs were therefore adjusted to Congolese interests, becoming a powerful tool to experience traditional religion, in a symbiosis between catholic practice and ancestral cosmology.
Accordingly the crucifix, as well as images of Saints and other Christian iconography, were added to the traditional objects and rituals of local ceremonies and used in baptisms, weddings and funerals.
The crucifix became central to Congolese society in such a way that on invoking ancestral spirits, a cross was marked on the ground, as a symbol of the entire cosmology, ruling over life and death.
This powerful symbol was adopted as an insignia and rite of passage for the Kimpasi ceremonial, that implied the “death” and “resurrection” of the young initiates, in a custom that included a water logged cruciform trench and a cross in every altar.
With the evangelization, the image of Christ’s crucifixion, Nkangi Kiditu (nkangi = something tied, and Kiditu a corruption of Christ’s name), acquired dual meanings, representing not only the death and resurrection of Christ, but also the world of the living and that of the ancestors. For Congolese peoples if was considered a sacred object (or nkisi) and a powerful amulet against evil.
This syncretism, facilitated by similarities between Christian and local rituals, modelled the cornerstones of Congolese culture, promoting a religious thought endowed of a hybrid artistic expression.
Relic of the catholic faith that, through time, became fully integrated in the philosophy of the ancient Kongo, the crucifix conquered an important place in the Congolese psyche, growing to be an attribute of power inherited through generations as guarantee of authority and legitimacy.
This powerful object, evocative of leaders’ power and of subjects’ deference, was essential in rituals such as the king’s (Manikongo) enthronement, or in important debates or trials, when subjects were expected to touch the leader’s crucifix, swearing subservience, earnestness, faithfulness and honesty. On the death of a ruler his crucifix was solemnly passed on to his successor in a ceremony designed to warranty the new ruler’s legitimacy.
[1] See: Anne Hilton, The Kingdom of Kongo, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985.
[2] Regarding such objects see: Jean Michel Massing, “From Portuguese Crosses to Hunting Charms. Polysemy in Bakongo Religion”, in Jay A. Levenson (ed.), Encompassing the Globe. Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries (cat.), vol. 3, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 2007, pp. 86-95; and Marina de Mello e Souza, “Central-African Crucifixes. A Study of Symbolic Translations”, in Jay A. Levenson (ed.), Encompassing the Globe. Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries (cat.), vol. 3, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, 2007, pp. 96-101.
[3] See: Alisa LaGamma, Kongo. Power and Majesty (cat.), New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015, p. 102, fig. 61.
[4] See: Alisa LaGamma, Kongo. Power and Majesty (cat.), New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015, p. 27, fig. 7.
Este pequeno e raro escritório ou guarda-jóias de tampo de abater, rectangular e com emolduramentos estriados salientes em ébano percorrendo as arestas, elevado sobre pés torneados, é construído em madeira exótica por vezes ebanizada, talvez uma canforeira, e faixeado a ébano entalhado, o muito apreciado zǐtán.[1]
As ferragens de cobre dourado, consistem na fechadura frontal em forma de águia bicéfala, nas gualdras laterais e nos puxadores da frente e das gavetas interiores.
A decoração das faces exteriores consiste num campo central - rectangular na frente, topo e tardoz, e quase quadrado nas ilhargas - com uma cercadura à meia-esquadria (filetes em osso dispostos nas diagonais), resultando em trapézios dispostos de cada lado de cada um dos campos centrais.
A frente é decorada no campo central por um par de chīlóng afrontados, dragões desprovidos de chifres, por entre um reticulado de lingzhi, o sagrado cogumelo da imortalidade (Ganoderma lucidum), com suas formas em cabeça de rúyì (literalmente, “tal como desejado”). É provável que a opção por chīlóng afrontados, dragões imaturos, fosse mais apropriada a um objecto feito para exportação, dada a grande importância simbólica conferida aos dragões na cultura chinesa, associados à elite mandarim e ao imperador. A cercadura incluí, em cima, flores do damasqueiro-do-Japão (Prunus mume), símbolo de perseverança e pureza; nas laterais o narciso, conhecido na China por “flor aquática imortal”, simbólica também de pureza, e prosperidade; e, em baixo, cavalos voadores que simbolizam rapidez, força e perseverança.
Enquanto o tardoz repete (com pequenas alterações), a iconografia da frente, o topo apresenta no campo central um par de fénix (rei de todos os pássaros, símbolos de virtude) por entre peónias lenhosas (fùguìhuā, ou “flor das riquezas e honra”), sublinhando a natureza matrimonial desta peça, enquanto objecto de enxoval, já que a associação de duas fénix com peónias simboliza prosperidade e justiça, expressando uma relação conjugal. A cercadura do topo é decorada por grous voando entre nuvens auspiciosas em forma de rúyì. O grou, conhecido em chinês por hè, simboliza hierarquia social e longevidade e, no contexto da decoração deste guarda-jóias, expressa votos de uma união romântica duradoura, de um casamento eterno.
As ilhargas são decoradas da mesma forma. Enquanto as secções trapezoidais da cercadura repetem a decoração das outras faces, os painéis centrais apresentam cada um seu qílín, de cabeça voltada, assentes em fundo rochoso e rodeados por nuvens auspiciosas. Representados com corpo de veado, cabeça de dragão e espessa cauda de urso, o qílín é símbolo de benevolência, virtude, longevidade, felicidade e sabedoria, a sua representação tornando-se aqui um símbolo de fertilidade, pois acredita-se que o qílín é portador de bebés (qílínsòngzi) a pais felizes.
O interior do guarda-jóias apresenta cinco gavetas dispostas em duas fiadas. Nas frentes das gavetas, também faixeadas a ébano entalhado, vemos peónias na fiada superior, e peixes afrontados saltando das águas nas duas gavetas da fiada inferior; são carpas (lǐ), que simbolizam, por homofonia, lucro e riqueza (lì), poder, força e habilidade (lì).
Esta peça pertence a um raro grupo de mobiliário feito para exportação com semelhantes construção, materiais e repertório decorativo, do qual três foram recentemente publicados.[2]
A sua produção, copiando protótipos europeus, está certamente ligada à encomenda de portugueses estantes na Ásia, nomeadamente nas regiões costeiras do sul como as províncias de Guangdong, Fujian e Zhejiang.
Embora o modelo e decoração destas peças de mobiliário seja um pouco diferente do estilo mais sóbrio do mobiliário Ming hoje melhor conhecido, ao gosto dos letrados chineses e do qual sobrevivem alguns exemplares, correspondem perfeitamente ao que seriam as primeiras peças de mobiliário chinês para exportação para o mercado europeu tal como nos surgem na documentação coeva.
Para além de Guangzhou (Cantão, a capital da província de Guangdong), um provável candidato para o centro de fabrico deste tipo de mobiliário é Chaozhou, uma cidade do leste da província de Guangdong, afamada pela sua marcenaria de qualidade e da qual se destaca a produção de complexas obras vazadas e finamente entalhadas. Uma outra possibilidade é Ningbo, uma cidade na província de Zhejiang, a nordeste, e que era conhecida pelos portugueses como Liampó e onde se estabeleceram logo em 1522.
Hugo Miguel Crespo
Centro de História, Universidade de Lisboa
BASTOS, Celina, “Das cousas da China: comércio, divulgação e apropriação do mobiliário chinês em Portugal. Séculos XVI a XVIII”, in Alexandra Curvelo (ed.), O Exótico nunca está em casa? A China na faiança e no azulejo portugueses (séculos XVII-XVIII) (cat.), Lisboa, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, 2013, pp. 145-61.
CRESPO, Hugo Miguel, Choices (cat.), Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2016.
CRESPO, Hugo Miguel, “Global Interiors on the Rua Nova in Renaissance Lisbon”, in Annemarie Jordan Gschwend, K. J. P. Lowe (eds.), The Global City. On the Streets of Renaissance Lisbon, London, Paul Holberton publishing, 2015, pp. 121-139.
CRESPO, Hugo Miguel (ed.), Comprar o Mundo. Consumo e Comércio na Lisboa do Renascimento, Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2020.
KRAHL, Regina, “The Portuguese Presence in the Arts and Crafts of China”, in Jay A. Levenson (ed.), Encompassing the Globe. Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries (cat.), Vol. 3, Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 2007, pp. 235-241.
WANG Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture. Ming and early Qing Dynasties, 2 Vols., Hong Kong, Art Media Resources, 1990.
[1] Sobre o zǐtán, veja-se Wang Shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture. Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Vol. 1, Hong Kong, Art Media Resources, 1990, pp. 148-149.
[2] Veja-se Hugo Miguel Crespo, Choices (cat.), Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2016, pp. 304-339, cats. 26-27; e Hugo Miguel Crespo (ed.), Comprar o Mundo. Consumo e Comércio na Lisboa do Renascimento, Lisboa, AR-PAB, 2020, pp. 144-149, cat. 24.
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