Salva de Prata da Coleção do Rei D. Fernando II de Portugal / King D. Fernando II Silver Dish , Colonial Ibérica séc. XVII / Iberian Colonial 17th. C.
4 x 38 x 38 cm
Further images
Inscriptions: Gothic "F" crowned at front, center; "19" at the back and center. Small gaps with case. 1, 115 kg. / Inscrições: "F" gótico coroado na frente, no centro; "19"no tardoz e no centro. Pequenas lacunas com estojo. 1, 115 Kg.
While the 19th and 20th century provenance of this dish, described in the past as a salver or presentation dish, is well known, its geographical origin and dating are more difficult to ascertain. In the recently published 1866 handwritten inventory of his silver, ivory and enamel collections, King Fernando II of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1816-1885), consort to the Portuguese Queen Maria II (r.1826-1828 and 1834-1853), records it as “a silver salver [heavily decorated] in openwork. Probably a late sixteenth-century Spanish work. Nicely crafted and pleasing piece. Acquired from R. Pinto. - my property”. The king’s private property rather than the Crown’s, the dish is deemed by the king to be Spanish and dating from the sixteenth century. As a mark of ownership it was centrally burin engraved with Fernando II personal cypher, a crowned Gothic script capital “F”, as well as marked to the back with the inventory number “19”.The dish had been bought from Raimundo José Pinto (1807-1859) a renowned Lisbon based goldsmith who, as a close friend to the monarch, acted often as his artistic agent. Although Fernando II collected a wide range of objects and typologies, it is clear that antique silver, namely 16th century Portuguese, was dear to his heart and took centre stage in his collecting pursuits. While the fruit dish was most certainly acquired before Pinto’s death in 1859, nothing is known of its previous ownership. Raimundo José Pinto, who mainly dealt in antique silver and gold jewellery, had undoubtedly benefited from the suppression of religious orders and from the dissolution of the monasteries that had been decreed in 1834 following the Portuguese Civil War. Additionally, the many Portuguese aristocratic families in dire need of revenue after the war, did also provide a steady, ready to buy supply of desirable objects, many of which would eventually find their way abroad during the troublesome period that ensued. Alongside many other of his possessions, the fruit dish was photographed in 1866 by Charles Thurston Thompson (1816-1868) at the King’s Palace of Necessidades home, in Lisbon (fig. 1). Promoted by the South Kensington Museum, founded in 1852 and predecessor of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, these series of photographs are now the most complete and ambitious photographic records of art objects that were undertaken in 19th century Portugal. Collated and published as an album, they provide a thorough visual record of Fernando II private collection, as well as of other Crown silver and gold pieces, which were displayed or safe kept at the Royal Palaces of Necessidades and of Ajuda. A photographic print of the dish can be seen at the above mentioned London Museum (inv. 58563). Its description reads: “Salver, or fruit-tray, perforated with arabesque ornament, honeysuckle-points in the margin; silver. Probably Indian work of the 16th or 17th century. In the Royal Palace of the Necessidades at Lisbon’. Although identified by the king as probably Spanish, this other attribution admits the possibility of it being Indian and dated more broadly as to encompass the seventeenth century. The English labelling was likely prepared beforehand by the museum curator, John Charles Robinson (1824-1913), during his preparatory trip through Portugal. It is curious to note that the king’s engraved cypher is not visible in the photograph, and may have been a later addition. Against the dark background it is however possible to see a large square label applied to the dish’s back. The ring foot, on the contrary, is not identifiable. It is also possible that the dish herewith described is the one referred in the king’s post mortem inventory (Inventário Orfanológico) compiled in 1886 which, in the section regarding the King’s Private Office, the Gabinete d’El Rey, records under number 2439 a “filigree salver from the eighteenth century, thirty-eight centimetres in diameter marked with the number two thousand and two hundred and seventy one. Valued at one hundred and eighty thousand reis”. This “salver” was auctioned in 1893 under that same number and recorded in the 1892 published sale catalogue. Its whereabouts unknown until 1949, it was shown in that same year at the Exposição de Ourivesaria Portuguesa, an exhibition of antique and contemporary Portuguese silver promoted at Oporto by the Grémio dos Industriais de Ourivesaria do Norte. From the exhibition catalogue we know that it belonged to Arthur de Sandão, a renowned Decorative Arts expert, collector and director of the Museu Municipal de Viana do Castelo, who published various works on Portuguese faience and furniture. In a photograph (figs. 2-3) from the archives of Fotografia Alvão Lda., an Oporto based photographic studio founded in 1901 by Domingos Alvão, now kept at the Centro Português de Fotografia, it is possible to identify the present dish amongst other, mostly 17th and 18th century, Portuguese silver objects. Until recently the dish belonged to the Ateneu Comercial do Porto alongside other Arthur de Sandão artworks, namely his Portuguese faience collection, and subsequently to an Oporto private collection. Careful analysis of the object provides a better understanding of its manufacture techniques. The dish is made from various cast sections soldered together and set on a similarly made openwork ring foot. Considering the rugged appearance, the individual sections may have been sand cast or, albeit more unlikely, cast by lost wax. This may be assessed from the various casting issues detected, such as porosity, defects like fins and burrs, unevenness or excessive silver flow filling the inside of the openwork, etc.The central rosette is composed of twelve panels following a mirrored design, while the rim is adorned by twelve large leaf-shaped sections soldered to the central rosette, with twelve smaller leaf-shaped motifs alternating with the larger sections. The central rosette and the rim feature a repeating mirrored pattern of scrolling vines, real and imaginary animals and figures (birds, dogs and snails, fruit eating squirrels, dragon heads and fruit eating human figures perched on branches). This “arabesque” design, albeit reminiscent of more exotic patterns, is however European in style and in execution.The manufacturing techniques are unusual for Asian or European produced silverware dating from before the late eighteenth century. In Indian precious metalwork, casting is never used. If the fruit dish was crafted in Portuguese-ruled Asia, as suggested by Robinson’s caption on the 1866 photograph, it would surely have been made from a thin sheet of silver, repoussé and finely chased, and the openwork decoration would be chisel-cut. The same techniques were used in Europe to prevent metal wastage, as seen in another 17th century fruit dish from the king’s collection, now at the Palácio Nacional da Ajuda - Museu do Tesouro Real, Lisbon (inv. 42574). Dating from ca. 1620-1650, this circular dish of deep cavetto, ideal for holding fruit, is made from hammered sheet silver of openwork decoration with Mannerist-style ferronneries and central cartouches of stylized tulips, baskets and flower vases, with a palmette frieze on the fleur-de-lis flat rim. The openwork decoration is chisel-cut and the motifs are finely chased. In contrast, the present dish is made from cast sections somewhat hastily soldered together and the designs are not worked by chasing but left untouched after casting. Additionally some evident breakages in the brittle silver panels did also stem from the casting process. These were addressed using metal wires that may already be seen in the 1866 photograph.The state of preservation of the object and the minuteness of the workmanship may account for the older date ascribed in the king’s inventory and in Robinson’s notes. While it is true that the cast panels’ style is reminiscent of similarly cast elements, mostly handles of chimerical form, found in 17th century mounted objects (precious ceramic and hardstone vessels), these are invariably cast en ronde bosse, and never as pierced flat plaques. It is thus likely that this “Nicely crafted and pleasing piece” - to use the king’s words - was made somewhat later in Europe, possibly even during the king’s lifetime. This was a time when many pastiches and forgeries were being cast by renowned goldsmiths and restorers such as Reinhold Vasters (1827-1909) or Alfred André (1839-1919), who worked for and supplied major antique dealers such as Frederic Spitzer (c. 1816-1890). Regardless of its dating, the present fruit dish is a significant testimony of the collecting pursuits of one of the finest 19th century art connoisseurs, King Fernando II of Portugal, who amassed an important collection of 16th century Portuguese silver that rivalled that belonging to the Crown.
Embora a história custodial deste fruteiro, também descrito como salva ou prato de apresentação, para os séculos XIX e XX seja bem conhecida, a sua origem geográfica e datação são mais difíceis de determinar. No inventário manuscrito de 1866 da sua colecção de pratas, marfins e esmaltes, recentemente publicado, do punho de D. Fernando II de Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha (1816-1885), consorte da rainha D. Maria II (r. 1826-1828 e 1834-1853) ), este fruteiro é registado como uma “Salva de prata de trabalho todo transforado. Provavelmente obra hespanhola dos fins de 1500. Peça bem feita e muito bonita. Compr. a R. Pinto. - propr. minha”. Propriedade pessoal do rei e não pertencente à Coroa portuguesa, o fruteiro é considerado pelo rei como sendo de origem espanhola e datando de finais do século XVI. Como prova de propriedade, no centro do fruteiro vemos a cifra pessoal do rei, um “F” maiúsculo gótico coroado na frente e o número “19” igualmente gravado a buril no tardoz. Foi comprado a Raimundo José Pinto (1807-1859), conhecido ourives de Lisboa que, sendo amigo íntimo do monarca, foi o principal agente artístico do rei. Embora D. Fernando II coleccionasse em diversas áreas, torna-se claro que a prataria antiga, nomeadamente a prata portuguesa do século XVI, lhe era muito cara, ocupando lugar central nas actividades coleccionísticas do rei. Embora o fruteiro tenha sido certamente adquirido antes de 1859, quando Raimundo Pinto morre, não sabemos nada sobre os seus anteriores proprietários. Raimundo José Pinto, que se dedicava sobretudo à venda de prataria antiga e jóias, beneficiou em muito com a extinção das ordens religiosas masculinas em Portugal (1834) e a nacionalização dos seus bens. As muitas famílias aristocráticas portuguesas, em grandes dificuldades financeiras após as Guerras Liberais (1832-1834), forneceram para venda um provimento constante de objectos de superior interesse, sendo que a maioria dos quais deixou o país neste conturbado período.A par de muitos outros objectos da colecção do rei, o fruteiro foi fotografado por Charles Thurston Thompson (1816-1868) em 1866 no Palácio das Necessidades em Lisboa (fig. 1). Promovida pelo South Kensington Museum (fundado em 1852), que antecedeu o actual Victoria and Albert Museum, em Londres, a fotografia faz parte da maior, mais importante, e ambiciosa das campanhas fotográficas realizadas no Portugal oitocentista quanto às obras de arte. A campanha oferece-nos um registo visual completo da coleçcão particular do rei (e também da Coroa) nas suas residências, os palácios das Necessidades e da Ajuda. Um exemplar da fotografia do fruteiro pertence àquele museu londrino (inv. 58563). Na legenda da fotografia lê-se, em inglês: “Salva, ou fruteiro vazado com motivos de arabesco e pontas de madressilva na aba; prata. Provavelmente obra indiana do século XVI ou XVII. No Paço Real das Necessidades de Lisboa.” Embora a peça tivesse sido identificada pelo rei como provavelmente espanhola, esta nova legenda admitia agora a possibilidade de ser indiana e datada de forma mais ampla, abrangendo o século XVII. A legenda inglesa foi provavelmente preparada previamente pelo conservador do museu, John Charles Robinson (1824-193), na sua viagem preparatória a Portugal. É curioso notar que a cifra gravada do rei não é visível na fotografia, podendo ter sido acrescentada em data posterior. Na foto, podemos ver uma grande etiqueta quadrada no tardoz contra o fundo escuro, enquanto o pé anelar também não é visível.É possível que este fruteiro seja o descrito no inventário post mortem do rei (Inventário Orfanológico) de 1886, que regista na secção relativa ao Gabinete d'El Rey, sob o número 2439: “Uma sálva de filagrana do Seculo 18.º, diametro trinta e oito centímetros marcada com o numero dois mil dusentos e setenta e um. Avaliada na quantia de cento e oitenta mil reis”. Foi leiloada com este mesmo número em 1893 e registada no catálogo de venda publicado em 1892. Desconhece-se o seu paradeiro até 1949, altura em que o fruteiro é exposto na Exposição de Ourivesaria Portuguesa, dedicada à prataria portuguesa antiga e contemporânea promovida pelo Grémio dos Industriais de Ourivesaria do Norte, no Porto. Do catálogo da exposição ficamos a saber que o fruteiro pertencia então à colecção de Arthur de Sandão, especialista em Artes Decorativas Portuguesas e director do Museu Municipal de Viana do Castelo, tendo publicado sobre faiança portuguesa e mobiliário. Nesta fotografia (figs. 2-3) do arquivo da Fotografia Alvão Lda., estúdio fotográfico sediado no Porto e fundado por Domingos Alvão em 1901, agora pertencente ao Centro Português de Fotografia, podemos ver este fruteiro junto a exemplares de prataria maioritariamente portuguesa dos séculos XVII e inícios do XVIII. A par de outros objectos que pertenceram a Arthur de Sandão, que lhe doou a sua importante colecção de faiança portuguesa, este fruteiro pertenceu até há pouco tempo ao Ateneu Comercial do Porto e posteriormente a uma colecção particular do Porto. Uma análise cuidadosa do fruteiro permite-nos compreender melhor as técnicas utilizadas no seu fabrico. O fruteiro é constituído por várias secções produzidas por fundição soldadas entre si, assentando num pé anelar também vazado e produzido de forma semelhante. Considerando a sua aparência rugosa, as secções individuais podem ter sido produzidas por fundição em areia ou, embora menos provável, usando a técnica da cera perdida. Isso mesmo podemos ver nos muitos problemas de fundição que apresenta, como porosidade, defeitos como aletas e rebarbas, desigualdades na espessura ou excesso de fluxo de prata cobrindo o interior do vazado, etc. A roseta central é composta por doze painéis seguindo um desenho espelhado, enquanto o aro é composto por doze grandes secções em forma de folha soldadas à rosácea central, com doze motivos menores também em forma de folha posicionados entre as secções maiores. A roseta central e a aba apresentam um padrão espelhado de enrolamentos vegetalistas com animais e figuras reais e fantásticos (aves, cães, caracóis, esquilos comendo fruta, cabeças de dragão e figuras humanas empoleiradas em galhos comendo fruta). Esta decoração de “arabescos”, embora reminiscente de gramáticas mais exóticas, é europeia no estilo e execução.
While the 19th and 20th century provenance of this dish, described in the past as a salver or presentation dish, is well known, its geographical origin and dating are more difficult to ascertain. In the recently published 1866 handwritten inventory of his silver, ivory and enamel collections, King Fernando II of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1816-1885), consort to the Portuguese Queen Maria II (r.1826-1828 and 1834-1853), records it as “a silver salver [heavily decorated] in openwork. Probably a late sixteenth-century Spanish work. Nicely crafted and pleasing piece. Acquired from R. Pinto. - my property”. The king’s private property rather than the Crown’s, the dish is deemed by the king to be Spanish and dating from the sixteenth century. As a mark of ownership it was centrally burin engraved with Fernando II personal cypher, a crowned Gothic script capital “F”, as well as marked to the back with the inventory number “19”.The dish had been bought from Raimundo José Pinto (1807-1859) a renowned Lisbon based goldsmith who, as a close friend to the monarch, acted often as his artistic agent. Although Fernando II collected a wide range of objects and typologies, it is clear that antique silver, namely 16th century Portuguese, was dear to his heart and took centre stage in his collecting pursuits. While the fruit dish was most certainly acquired before Pinto’s death in 1859, nothing is known of its previous ownership. Raimundo José Pinto, who mainly dealt in antique silver and gold jewellery, had undoubtedly benefited from the suppression of religious orders and from the dissolution of the monasteries that had been decreed in 1834 following the Portuguese Civil War. Additionally, the many Portuguese aristocratic families in dire need of revenue after the war, did also provide a steady, ready to buy supply of desirable objects, many of which would eventually find their way abroad during the troublesome period that ensued. Alongside many other of his possessions, the fruit dish was photographed in 1866 by Charles Thurston Thompson (1816-1868) at the King’s Palace of Necessidades home, in Lisbon (fig. 1). Promoted by the South Kensington Museum, founded in 1852 and predecessor of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, these series of photographs are now the most complete and ambitious photographic records of art objects that were undertaken in 19th century Portugal. Collated and published as an album, they provide a thorough visual record of Fernando II private collection, as well as of other Crown silver and gold pieces, which were displayed or safe kept at the Royal Palaces of Necessidades and of Ajuda. A photographic print of the dish can be seen at the above mentioned London Museum (inv. 58563). Its description reads: “Salver, or fruit-tray, perforated with arabesque ornament, honeysuckle-points in the margin; silver. Probably Indian work of the 16th or 17th century. In the Royal Palace of the Necessidades at Lisbon’. Although identified by the king as probably Spanish, this other attribution admits the possibility of it being Indian and dated more broadly as to encompass the seventeenth century. The English labelling was likely prepared beforehand by the museum curator, John Charles Robinson (1824-1913), during his preparatory trip through Portugal. It is curious to note that the king’s engraved cypher is not visible in the photograph, and may have been a later addition. Against the dark background it is however possible to see a large square label applied to the dish’s back. The ring foot, on the contrary, is not identifiable. It is also possible that the dish herewith described is the one referred in the king’s post mortem inventory (Inventário Orfanológico) compiled in 1886 which, in the section regarding the King’s Private Office, the Gabinete d’El Rey, records under number 2439 a “filigree salver from the eighteenth century, thirty-eight centimetres in diameter marked with the number two thousand and two hundred and seventy one. Valued at one hundred and eighty thousand reis”. This “salver” was auctioned in 1893 under that same number and recorded in the 1892 published sale catalogue. Its whereabouts unknown until 1949, it was shown in that same year at the Exposição de Ourivesaria Portuguesa, an exhibition of antique and contemporary Portuguese silver promoted at Oporto by the Grémio dos Industriais de Ourivesaria do Norte. From the exhibition catalogue we know that it belonged to Arthur de Sandão, a renowned Decorative Arts expert, collector and director of the Museu Municipal de Viana do Castelo, who published various works on Portuguese faience and furniture. In a photograph (figs. 2-3) from the archives of Fotografia Alvão Lda., an Oporto based photographic studio founded in 1901 by Domingos Alvão, now kept at the Centro Português de Fotografia, it is possible to identify the present dish amongst other, mostly 17th and 18th century, Portuguese silver objects. Until recently the dish belonged to the Ateneu Comercial do Porto alongside other Arthur de Sandão artworks, namely his Portuguese faience collection, and subsequently to an Oporto private collection. Careful analysis of the object provides a better understanding of its manufacture techniques. The dish is made from various cast sections soldered together and set on a similarly made openwork ring foot. Considering the rugged appearance, the individual sections may have been sand cast or, albeit more unlikely, cast by lost wax. This may be assessed from the various casting issues detected, such as porosity, defects like fins and burrs, unevenness or excessive silver flow filling the inside of the openwork, etc.The central rosette is composed of twelve panels following a mirrored design, while the rim is adorned by twelve large leaf-shaped sections soldered to the central rosette, with twelve smaller leaf-shaped motifs alternating with the larger sections. The central rosette and the rim feature a repeating mirrored pattern of scrolling vines, real and imaginary animals and figures (birds, dogs and snails, fruit eating squirrels, dragon heads and fruit eating human figures perched on branches). This “arabesque” design, albeit reminiscent of more exotic patterns, is however European in style and in execution.The manufacturing techniques are unusual for Asian or European produced silverware dating from before the late eighteenth century. In Indian precious metalwork, casting is never used. If the fruit dish was crafted in Portuguese-ruled Asia, as suggested by Robinson’s caption on the 1866 photograph, it would surely have been made from a thin sheet of silver, repoussé and finely chased, and the openwork decoration would be chisel-cut. The same techniques were used in Europe to prevent metal wastage, as seen in another 17th century fruit dish from the king’s collection, now at the Palácio Nacional da Ajuda - Museu do Tesouro Real, Lisbon (inv. 42574). Dating from ca. 1620-1650, this circular dish of deep cavetto, ideal for holding fruit, is made from hammered sheet silver of openwork decoration with Mannerist-style ferronneries and central cartouches of stylized tulips, baskets and flower vases, with a palmette frieze on the fleur-de-lis flat rim. The openwork decoration is chisel-cut and the motifs are finely chased. In contrast, the present dish is made from cast sections somewhat hastily soldered together and the designs are not worked by chasing but left untouched after casting. Additionally some evident breakages in the brittle silver panels did also stem from the casting process. These were addressed using metal wires that may already be seen in the 1866 photograph.The state of preservation of the object and the minuteness of the workmanship may account for the older date ascribed in the king’s inventory and in Robinson’s notes. While it is true that the cast panels’ style is reminiscent of similarly cast elements, mostly handles of chimerical form, found in 17th century mounted objects (precious ceramic and hardstone vessels), these are invariably cast en ronde bosse, and never as pierced flat plaques. It is thus likely that this “Nicely crafted and pleasing piece” - to use the king’s words - was made somewhat later in Europe, possibly even during the king’s lifetime. This was a time when many pastiches and forgeries were being cast by renowned goldsmiths and restorers such as Reinhold Vasters (1827-1909) or Alfred André (1839-1919), who worked for and supplied major antique dealers such as Frederic Spitzer (c. 1816-1890). Regardless of its dating, the present fruit dish is a significant testimony of the collecting pursuits of one of the finest 19th century art connoisseurs, King Fernando II of Portugal, who amassed an important collection of 16th century Portuguese silver that rivalled that belonging to the Crown.
Embora a história custodial deste fruteiro, também descrito como salva ou prato de apresentação, para os séculos XIX e XX seja bem conhecida, a sua origem geográfica e datação são mais difíceis de determinar. No inventário manuscrito de 1866 da sua colecção de pratas, marfins e esmaltes, recentemente publicado, do punho de D. Fernando II de Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha (1816-1885), consorte da rainha D. Maria II (r. 1826-1828 e 1834-1853) ), este fruteiro é registado como uma “Salva de prata de trabalho todo transforado. Provavelmente obra hespanhola dos fins de 1500. Peça bem feita e muito bonita. Compr. a R. Pinto. - propr. minha”. Propriedade pessoal do rei e não pertencente à Coroa portuguesa, o fruteiro é considerado pelo rei como sendo de origem espanhola e datando de finais do século XVI. Como prova de propriedade, no centro do fruteiro vemos a cifra pessoal do rei, um “F” maiúsculo gótico coroado na frente e o número “19” igualmente gravado a buril no tardoz. Foi comprado a Raimundo José Pinto (1807-1859), conhecido ourives de Lisboa que, sendo amigo íntimo do monarca, foi o principal agente artístico do rei. Embora D. Fernando II coleccionasse em diversas áreas, torna-se claro que a prataria antiga, nomeadamente a prata portuguesa do século XVI, lhe era muito cara, ocupando lugar central nas actividades coleccionísticas do rei. Embora o fruteiro tenha sido certamente adquirido antes de 1859, quando Raimundo Pinto morre, não sabemos nada sobre os seus anteriores proprietários. Raimundo José Pinto, que se dedicava sobretudo à venda de prataria antiga e jóias, beneficiou em muito com a extinção das ordens religiosas masculinas em Portugal (1834) e a nacionalização dos seus bens. As muitas famílias aristocráticas portuguesas, em grandes dificuldades financeiras após as Guerras Liberais (1832-1834), forneceram para venda um provimento constante de objectos de superior interesse, sendo que a maioria dos quais deixou o país neste conturbado período.A par de muitos outros objectos da colecção do rei, o fruteiro foi fotografado por Charles Thurston Thompson (1816-1868) em 1866 no Palácio das Necessidades em Lisboa (fig. 1). Promovida pelo South Kensington Museum (fundado em 1852), que antecedeu o actual Victoria and Albert Museum, em Londres, a fotografia faz parte da maior, mais importante, e ambiciosa das campanhas fotográficas realizadas no Portugal oitocentista quanto às obras de arte. A campanha oferece-nos um registo visual completo da coleçcão particular do rei (e também da Coroa) nas suas residências, os palácios das Necessidades e da Ajuda. Um exemplar da fotografia do fruteiro pertence àquele museu londrino (inv. 58563). Na legenda da fotografia lê-se, em inglês: “Salva, ou fruteiro vazado com motivos de arabesco e pontas de madressilva na aba; prata. Provavelmente obra indiana do século XVI ou XVII. No Paço Real das Necessidades de Lisboa.” Embora a peça tivesse sido identificada pelo rei como provavelmente espanhola, esta nova legenda admitia agora a possibilidade de ser indiana e datada de forma mais ampla, abrangendo o século XVII. A legenda inglesa foi provavelmente preparada previamente pelo conservador do museu, John Charles Robinson (1824-193), na sua viagem preparatória a Portugal. É curioso notar que a cifra gravada do rei não é visível na fotografia, podendo ter sido acrescentada em data posterior. Na foto, podemos ver uma grande etiqueta quadrada no tardoz contra o fundo escuro, enquanto o pé anelar também não é visível.É possível que este fruteiro seja o descrito no inventário post mortem do rei (Inventário Orfanológico) de 1886, que regista na secção relativa ao Gabinete d'El Rey, sob o número 2439: “Uma sálva de filagrana do Seculo 18.º, diametro trinta e oito centímetros marcada com o numero dois mil dusentos e setenta e um. Avaliada na quantia de cento e oitenta mil reis”. Foi leiloada com este mesmo número em 1893 e registada no catálogo de venda publicado em 1892. Desconhece-se o seu paradeiro até 1949, altura em que o fruteiro é exposto na Exposição de Ourivesaria Portuguesa, dedicada à prataria portuguesa antiga e contemporânea promovida pelo Grémio dos Industriais de Ourivesaria do Norte, no Porto. Do catálogo da exposição ficamos a saber que o fruteiro pertencia então à colecção de Arthur de Sandão, especialista em Artes Decorativas Portuguesas e director do Museu Municipal de Viana do Castelo, tendo publicado sobre faiança portuguesa e mobiliário. Nesta fotografia (figs. 2-3) do arquivo da Fotografia Alvão Lda., estúdio fotográfico sediado no Porto e fundado por Domingos Alvão em 1901, agora pertencente ao Centro Português de Fotografia, podemos ver este fruteiro junto a exemplares de prataria maioritariamente portuguesa dos séculos XVII e inícios do XVIII. A par de outros objectos que pertenceram a Arthur de Sandão, que lhe doou a sua importante colecção de faiança portuguesa, este fruteiro pertenceu até há pouco tempo ao Ateneu Comercial do Porto e posteriormente a uma colecção particular do Porto. Uma análise cuidadosa do fruteiro permite-nos compreender melhor as técnicas utilizadas no seu fabrico. O fruteiro é constituído por várias secções produzidas por fundição soldadas entre si, assentando num pé anelar também vazado e produzido de forma semelhante. Considerando a sua aparência rugosa, as secções individuais podem ter sido produzidas por fundição em areia ou, embora menos provável, usando a técnica da cera perdida. Isso mesmo podemos ver nos muitos problemas de fundição que apresenta, como porosidade, defeitos como aletas e rebarbas, desigualdades na espessura ou excesso de fluxo de prata cobrindo o interior do vazado, etc. A roseta central é composta por doze painéis seguindo um desenho espelhado, enquanto o aro é composto por doze grandes secções em forma de folha soldadas à rosácea central, com doze motivos menores também em forma de folha posicionados entre as secções maiores. A roseta central e a aba apresentam um padrão espelhado de enrolamentos vegetalistas com animais e figuras reais e fantásticos (aves, cães, caracóis, esquilos comendo fruta, cabeças de dragão e figuras humanas empoleiradas em galhos comendo fruta). Esta decoração de “arabescos”, embora reminiscente de gramáticas mais exóticas, é europeia no estilo e execução.
Rei Fernando II e Artur Sandão, Portugal.Exhibitions
Exposição Ourivesaria Portuguesa, Porto, 1949.Publications
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