Jarro de Pico / Jug, séc. XVII
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A cylindrical vessel on a semi-spherical base, with four buttresses with paired mirror motifs, diamonds and a beaded moulding; the body is decorated with floral motifs. The spout is in the shape of a woman’s head, her hair dress forming the beak, at the end there is an episcopal (unidentified) coat of arms. The handle is an inverted 5-shape, ending in a scroll. The circular foot has a cylindrical base, terminating in a projecting moulding.
Note: For similar pieces please see: MARTIN, Cristina Esteras, “La Plateria de la Colección Várez Fisa, obras escogidas siglos XV – XVIII”, Madrid 2000, Catalogue pp. 171 - 188.
“Jarro de Pico” em prata espanhola, modelo da 1ª metade do séc. XVII. Corpo cilíndrico de base semiesférica, reforçado com quatro contrafortes duplos rodeados de elementos decorativos gravados. Friso alto com motivos geométricos em contraste “claro-escuro”. Bico alto com máscara de sátiro com boca longa e aberta. Pega em forma de 5 invertido. Sem marca do fabricante.
Alt. 21,8 cm. Peso 810 gr.